Scott A. Martin


I help business owners and marketers get the right message to the right people at the right time. This longtime study of results driven marketing have been the backbone of my professional career. Personalizing marketing communications so that you build a sustainable, loyal customer following.


Like many people, to keep things fresh and challenging I have been focused on learning new techniques that contribute to pursuit of kick ass marketing results.


But really I am a just a big kid who has made his hobbies and passion part of my professional new growth. I am an avid surfer/ snowboarder who is now blending my marketing background with my ongoing challenge of learning all the processes with media outreach and filming.

So when I am not working with my advertising /marketing agency sdmg on loyalty I can be found writing a blog, editing film, shooting on the site of a mountain or working with other industry business owners on how to reach their audience.

Just let me know if I can ever be of help to you. I have amazing creatives, marketers, strategist and technical propeller heads at sdmg for any marketing challenge or project you may want to introduce us to.

If your in Heliskiing / Catskiing industry I am an operator advocate connecting media and developing creative content to drive attention and results to their business.

Ultimately everything I do is built on helping build loyal relationships that are meaningful, whether its a loyalty program or getting a loyal following for your content.

You can follow me on Linkedin or Facebook or  My Blog at the Calgary Herald

Scott Martin / Photo: Nick Nault
Scott Martin / Photo: Nick Nault

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